AkU yg SoranG

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blog ini di reka oleh aku untuk mengemukakan pendapat dan perasaan aku mengikut teori rasional aku. segala perbendaharaan kata adalah kurang bagus untuk digunakan dalam mana2 dokumen formal. ini hati aku, cinta aku, jiwa aku, yang sebenar. kala aku marah, kala aku gembira, kala aku suka, kala aku sedih.. semuanya di sini.. aku jahat? kejam? ya ..semua itu adalah aku.. Utk kamu yg kurang mengenaliku, aku tak perlukan cemuhanmu kerana takdir kita berbeza.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

DEAR DIARY; part 1: he's not the one


today, i do stupid mistake.

i was crush on him when we first met. i always remind myself that i just wanna be his best friend. i always refer him what to do, how to do, what will happen next.. everything about work. but my eyes cant stop from seeing him. as a friend, i thought he will understand about my feeling. i just want to be close with him but not as close as couple or what. just a good friend. coz i need protection if anything happen to me seems i am new. but his opinion is different.

yup, i admit that i crush on him but doesn't mean that i fall in love with him. i just like the way he talk, he smile, all his character but its still doesn't mean i have to fall in love. he's cute, nice, and good behavior. however he will become someone's fiance.. huhuhuhu.. what the shame..

i am confused. i already closed my heart, but why must have somebody crossed it? i feel hurt even i shouldn't have to feel it. i want him badly that my heart said. my mind said, you already have some one else. he will be with you

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